Your English is too limited for the work you do

Don't let it stay that way!
You're meant to do so much more! Stop letting your current English skills hold you back…

✓ Customized to your exact needs

✓ Scheduled at your convenience

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Simple emails and reports take forever for you to finish

You’re stuck because you can’t find the right words to say what you want to say

Your writing just won’t reflect the message and intention you want to convey

You know your English is not good enough for that new position you want

You keep doubting whether or not your communication made sense

We help you save time and communicate confidently

Our 1-on-1 coaching at Witt Studio customizes each lesson to your specific needs and struggle. Master your English now and benefit from it forever!

Save time

Learn useful mental shortcuts and easy-to-use strategies

Use English naturally

Develop your instincts and use English naturally and effortlessly

Create understanding

Communicate clearly even with complex thoughts and topics

Topics we cover:

Among many more things, we help you:

Make sure you are understood

Make your emails are understandable and actionable

Organize your thoughts so that your listeners are able to follow easily

Adjust your pronunciation and phrasing so that your accent doesn't get in the way

Quotation Marks

Simple emails used to take me up to 30 minutes and they weren’t even good. Now, they’re done within 5 minutes!

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Master English fundamentals

Internalize English instead of memorizing a bunch of rules

Give structure to your writing

Expand your dictionary

Sound natural and professional

Useful email phrases for different occasions

Sound natural for informal occasions

Sound professional for formal speeches and writing

✓ 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

✓ Feel confident writing and speaking English

Meet Jason Anthony

Your English coach
English can really be frustrating when we don't fully get it. I'm here to help you through that struggle!

1000s of hours English coaching for 100s of happy students at all levels


Prepared countless professionals with similar struggles to yours for international work


Complete understanding of Thai language nuances and how we apply them to professional English!

✓ 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

✓ Feel confident writing and speaking English

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Jason Anthony, English Coach
Quotation Marks

Lessons with Jason are always fun and positive! He points out mistakes I made without making me feel bad!

Quotation Marks

I appreciate that Jason explains things in many different ways until I really get the concept he's teaching!

You can write and speak English confidently

Let your English skills push you forward, not hold you back. Let’s make that happen together! Schedule a trial now!
Number 1

Schedule a trial

Pick a convenient date and time on our calendar!
Number 2

Learn the secrets

Get a lesson focused on English skills that matter most to you
Number 3

Use English confidently

Go to work and experience a more competent you!

Once you’re sure we are a good fit, we’ll…

Number 1
Set a goal and create a custom study plan together
Number 2
Schedule our first real lesson
Number 3
See your English improve like crazy!
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60 Minute Coaching

1,200 THB

per lesson


Personalized curriculum


COVID-free Zoom lessons!


Scheduled at your convenience


Go at your own pace


No commitments. Cancel anytime!

Get 10% off when you take 4 or more lessons per month!

✓ 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

✓ Feel confident writing and speaking English

The way you've been learning English will not get you to where you want to get to

Our workplaces are becoming more and more international everyday and unless we can write and speak English clearly and confidently, we’re going to be left behind. At Witt Studio, we understand the struggle that you are facing. You’ve spent years studying English and yet, you still feel like you can never get it right...

For some, you might have also taken courses from famous English learning centers in Thailand. Yet you still feel that your English is not good enough for the work that you do; that there are still tons of mysteries in English you don’t know how to solve.

The reason you are still struggling even after putting in so much effort is because of the learning method you’ve been using. For the most part, you’ve been attempting to learn English by memorizing vocabulary and grammatical rules. This is simply not how learning a language works.

Think about it. You write and speak Thai rather fluently but if I asked you to explain to me how Thai grammar works, you’ll probably have no clue! How is this even possible? Here’s the answer: You learned Thai by internalizing it instead of memorizing it. In simple terms, you picked the language up just by listening a ton, reading a ton, and writing a ton. This is how language acquisition works. And this is what Witt Studio’s coaching will help you do. Internalize English.

Instead of learning English like a second language learner does. Witt Studio guides you to learn English like native speakers do. We’ve tested numerous teaching techniques and strategies that will help the use of natural English become second-nature to you!

Don’t take our word for it. Come and experience it yourself. Schedule a FREE trial lesson now and you’ll learn things that are immediately applicable. You’ll go to work the next day with better English, promise!

Learn now. Use forever. This is the best time to get your English in shape! The sooner you start, the sooner you will stop repeating the same mistakes you’ve been making for years. You won't waste anymore of your precious time trying to write emails and reports (and still feel dissatisfied by their quality). And you'll finally stop feeling like your not competent as a professional

We are here to help you win! Let us coach you and get you to be proud of your own English! Messages you deliver will be clear and easily understood. You'll write emails and reports in half the time you used to AND with better quality! Your team members and clients will love you for how well you communicate. In other words, your English will no longer be a burden. It will become a tool that pushes you towards your success!

It's time to stop...


Making the same mistakes over and over


Wasting your precious time on simple tasks


Creating confusion and miscommunication


Feeling like English is a mystery

✓ No credit card required

✓ No strings attached

A woman is stressing over her English at her job.

You can become a competent professional who…


Breezes through emails and reports


Speaks with confidence, knowing you communicated clearly


Can self-correct and help your team with their English


Is truly ready for higher salaries and promotions!


Is loved by international clients and team members


Feels great using English at work

✓ 100% Satisfaction Guarantee

✓ Feel confident writing and speaking English

A woman is stressing over her English at her job.

Got a question?

Drop a message below! We’ll get back to you soon!

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